Voiceover and Dubbing Services

With over 2,000 native talents in more than 100 languages and dialects, we surely have the right tone of voice for your project. We offer different solutions for your foreign voice-over needs depending on your budget and requirements.

Online Global Casting

Hire your favourite Voice Talents!

Search for Languages

Audio Samples

play-pause Marko
Slovenian Standard male adult
play-pause Sara
French (France) Narration female adult
play-pause Becky
English (North American) Corporate female adult
French (France) Commercial female young
play-pause Jin Ting Yuan
Korean Standard female adult
play-pause Xiu Ying
Korean Standard female adult
play-pause Marysol
Spanish (Latin American) Commercial female adult
play-pause Diana
Spanish (Latin American) Commercial female adult
play-pause Beatriz
Spanish (Latin American) Standard female adult
play-pause Katarinas
Croatian Standard female adult
play-pause Dubravka
Croatian Standard female adult
play-pause Danijela
Croatian Standard female adult
play-pause Eva
Czech Standard female adult
play-pause Charlotte
Czech Standard female adult
play-pause Monika
Czech Standard female adult
play-pause Hana
Czech Standard female adult
play-pause Petra
Czech Standard female adult
play-pause Katarina
Croatian Standard female adult
play-pause Daniela
Croatian Standard female adult
play-pause Bruna
Portuguese (Brazilian) Characters female child

Languages Available

At Prime Group we identify 2 kinds of audio recordings

Non-Timed Voices

If you have a text, a script, tutorial, presentation, advertisement etc, and you just need a good professional native voice to make it alive and get the message across, just send us the lines. We cover most languages and ensure a quick turnaround at cost-effective rates.

We produce quality-checked spoken audio without time constraints at a throughput rate of 15 audio minutes per studio hour, including recording, monitoring and post-production.


Every time there is a video or an animation and you want to deliver the audio in a foreign language, you need to dub.

Dubbing is the process of replacing the original speech or dialogue with the translated spoken audio.

There are 4 types of dubbings to consider

TTS Synthetic Voices

The new frontier of human-sounding audio is called Text to Speech or TTS, where computers can provide a synthetic voice perfectly understandable but lacking prosody and emotion.

However TTS can be a cost-effective solution for short messages on the fields of IVR telephony, software, audio prompts for visually-impaired people as well as warnings and disclaimers.

What we do

Commercials for radio, TV and Internet


Life Sciences

Web, Internet, Apps

Video Games

Tutorials, Webinars

Corporate Presentations

Documentaries and Features

In-flight Messages

Phone, Public Address

Workflow: How we handle your project

From the choice of the right voices to final delivery of files, we apply the greatest possible care to follow in detail and full confidentiality our client’s guidelines.

  • What you need
  • We provide
  • You order
  • We record
  • We deliver
  • You pay
  • Your feedback
  • Tell us what you need

    • Click on  quote to let us know your project details

    • Pick the language/s you need for your audio

    • Provide your voice talent preferences: age, voice tone, etc.
    Or choose the voice by clicking on casting

    • Tell us your production specs: media, script extension (words or minutes),
    edition details, is it non-timed or timed audio, etc

    • Let us know your company details so that we can contact you
  • We provide a quote and a delivery date

    • We address to you by e‑mail a quote outlining the prices for the requested services

    • We provide a turnaround time in business days

    • We assign the chosen and available voices/languages for your project

    • We specify terms & conditions
  • You order, we book talents & studio

    • You order by signing our quote or write an e-mail approving it

    • You provide the script with instructions and pronunciation guidelines (jargon, brand names, etc)

    • If you order timed audio, send us your video or animation

    • We book the chosen / available voice talents and the studio

    • We let you know a schedule for the recording

  • We record and post-produce

    • We record the voices in our studios

    • We direct the talents. You can also do it through video/audio conference (Skype)

    • We monitor, clean and edit following your requirements
  • We deliver

    • We send you the audio files or the video with the integrated foreign audio track

    • You will receive a link which will allow you to listen to the recordings in preview mode

  • You pay

    • If you like the recording, you click on the secure payment page

    • You can choose Mastercard or VISA

    • You will receive a link to download the master audio / video

    • We also accept PayPal and Wire Transfer

    • We will send you an invoice

  • We welcome your feedback

    • We appreciate your comments and remarks

    • We stand by for eventual retakes, pick-ups, add-ons, etc

    • We keep your files and scripts for 3 months

Frequently Asked Questions

Script review and preparation: The first step is to review and prepare the script for the recording. This includes ensuring the script is final, checking for errors, and making necessary revisions.

Casting: The studio typically casts a voice-over artist for the recording once the script is ready. This involves auditioning various voice-over artists to find the best fit for the project.

Recording setup: The studio will set up the recording equipment, including microphones, a mixing board, and headphones. They will also prepare the recording studio by installing soundproofing and ensuring proper acoustics.

Rehearsal: Before the recording session, the voice-over artist will typically rehearse the script and work with the director to ensure the desired tone and delivery.

Recording: The recording session involves the voice-over artist reading the script while being recorded. The director will provide feedback and direction to achieve the best possible performance.

Post-production: After the recording is complete, the studio will edit and mix the recording to ensure the final product is high quality. This may involve removing any unwanted sounds, adjusting the volume levels, and adding any necessary effects.

Final delivery: Once the post-production is complete, the final voice-over recording is delivered to the client in the desired format, such as MP3 or WAV, ready for use in the client’s project.

These are the general steps a typical studio follows to record a voice-over. Of course, the specific process can vary depending on the studio and the project’s requirements.

Several technical steps are typically followed when recording a voice-over in a studio to ensure high-quality audio recording. The following are some of the critical technical steps involved in recording a voice-over:

Microphone selection: Choosing the right microphone for the voice-over is essential to capturing high-quality audio. Different microphones have different characteristics, such as frequency response, sensitivity, and directionality, that affect the final sound. A good recording engineer will select a microphone that best suits the voice-over artist and the project’s requirements.

Microphone placement: Once the microphone is selected, the recording engineer will place it in the best position to capture the desired sound. The distance from the microphone, the angle and direction of placement, and other factors will all be considered to ensure the best sound possible.

Preamp selection and gain staging: A preamplifier is used to amplify the microphone signal before it is recorded. The recording engineer will select the appropriate preamp and set the gain to ensure the signal is strong enough without clipping or distortion.

Monitoring: The voice-over artist will wear headphones to monitor their voice, and the recording engineer will monitor the signal in the control room. This ensures that the recording levels and sound quality are consistent throughout the recording.

Recording software and hardware: The recording will typically be done using a digital audio workstation (DAW) such as Pro Tools, Logic Pro, or Reaper. The recording engineer will set up the software to record the voice-over at the desired sample rate and bit depth and ensure that the hardware (such as the audio interface and hard drive) is properly configured.

Post-production: After the recording, the audio file will be edited, mixed, and processed to create the final product. This may involve removing unwanted noise, adjusting levels and EQ, and adding effects such as compression, reverb, or delay.

Overall, the technical steps in recording a voice-over require a good understanding of audio engineering principles and the equipment and software used in recording studios. A skilled recording engineer can optimize these technical aspects to capture a high-quality recording that sounds professional and polished. 

At Prime Group, we ensure that the audio production process is carried out seamlessly, from recording to cleaning, editing, monitoring, and formatting for any platform: TV Broadcast, Internet, and Mobile.

Selecting the right voice talent for an audio project is essential to ensure that the final product meets the desired quality and effectiveness. Here are some steps to follow when selecting a voice talent:

Define your project needs: Before you start looking for voice talent, it’s important to define the specific requirements of your project. Consider the audience, tone, style, purpose of the project, and any other relevant factors that may influence the type of voice talent you need.

Determine your budget: Voice talent fees vary widely depending on experience, demand, and project length. Determine your budget upfront so that you can focus on talent that fits within your budget.

Listen to demos and samples: Most voice talents have demos and samples of their work available online. Listen to several demos to understand the talent’s style and range. Look for a voice that matches the tone and style of your project.

Check for versatility and experience: Look for voice talents with experience in various styles and genres. A versatile voice talent can adapt to the needs of your project and provide a range of options. Additionally, look for voice talents with experience in similar projects or industries.

Consider personality and professionalism: The personality and professionalism of the voice talent can also impact the success of your project. Consider how easy the talent is to work with, how responsive they are to feedback and their level of professionalism and communication.

Conduct auditions: If you have a shortlist of potential voice talents, consider conducting auditions or requesting custom demos to help you decide. This can help you better understand how the voice talent will sound in the context of your specific project.

The key to selecting the right voice talent is to carefully consider your project needs and find a talent who matches your specific requirements in style, experience, versatility, and professionalism. At Prime Group we will help you with all the steps of this process to select the most suitable voice for your project.

Coaching voice talents during recording sessions is important to ensure that the final product meets your expectations. Here are some best practices to follow when coaching voice talents during recording sessions:

Provide a clear script and directions: Before the recording session, provide the voice talent with a clear script and directions. Be specific about the tone, pacing, and pronunciation you are looking for, and provide examples or references if possible.

Build a rapport with the talent: Establishing a good working relationship with the voice talent can help to create a positive and productive recording session. Take the time to introduce yourself, chat with the talent, and make them feel comfortable.

Listen actively and give constructive feedback: During the recording session, actively listen to the voice talent’s performance and provide feedback that is specific, constructive, and actionable. Be clear about what you liked and what you want to be improved, and provide suggestions for how the talent can make those improvements.

Provide context and background information: If the script includes technical or industry-specific terminology, provide the talent with context and background information to help them understand the meaning and importance of the terms. This can help the talent deliver a more authentic and accurate performance.

Manage time effectively: Be aware of the time constraints and plan the session accordingly. Provide the talent with regular breaks to avoid fatigue and burnout, and be prepared to adjust the schedule if necessary.

Be respectful and professional: Always be respectful and professional, even if the recording session is not going as planned. Avoid using negative or discouraging language, and maintain a positive and supportive attitude.

By following these best practices, you can help to create a productive and positive recording session that results in high-quality voiceover performances that meet your expectations.