LUNFARDO, resonates with the tango

3 min read

On the cobblestone streets of Buenos Aires, you can hear a unique language that transcends mere everyday speech. It is lunfardo, a linguistic amalgam that reflects the identity and spirit of the vibrant capital of Argentina. From melancholic tangos to street conversations, lunfardo has woven its presence in the city of Buenos Aires, becoming a symbol of its culture.

Origins and Evolution

Lunfardo is a child of the immigration flows that arrived in Argentina at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. In the tenements, immigrants from various origins from Northern Italy and Spain mixed, generating a need for communication that gave rise to this peculiar dialect. However, its consecration as a linguistic phenomenon occurred in 1953 with the publication of the book “Lunfardía” by the Argentine writer José Gobello.

The Soul of Lunfardo

The word “lunfardo” has its roots in the demonym “Lombard”. You might think that we are referring to the region of Lombardy, Italy, but this is not the case, “Lombard” is associated in the past with less than honorable activities. However, lunfardo has emerged as a vital element in the Buenos Aires identity, permeating music, theater and daily life. From terms like “pibe” and “mina” to expressions like “chamuyo” and “laburo”, lunfardo enriches popular speech with its wit and liveliness.

Etymology and Meaning

Each lunfardo term is a window to the past, revealing its origins and evolution over time. Words like “afanar” (steal), “chabón” (guy), and “guita” (money) have roots in popular Spanish, Italian, and other languages. This etymological richness reflects the diversity and history of Argentine society.

Permanence and Renewal

Despite its long history, lunfardo is still alive and constantly evolving. New words and expressions continually emerge, reflecting the social and cultural changes of the city. The Buenos Aires Lunfardo Academy estimates that around 70 terms are added to lunfardo each year, ensuring its relevance in contemporary speech.
Here are some additional examples of lunfardo terms and their meaning:

  1. Shin: Leg.
  2. Feca: Coffee.
  3. Gummy: Dude.
  4. Stew: Problem or mess.
  5. Minga: No way.
  6. Paint: Appearance or aspect.
  7. Chirusa: Woman of low reputation.
  8. Fiambre: Dead body.
  9. Gamba: 100 peso bill.
  10. Chamuyero: Person who talks a lot but says little.
    Although some lunfarda words may be considered colloquial or informal in certain contexts, many of them have been incorporated into standard Spanish and are widely understood and used in everyday communication.

The Legacy of Lunfardo

Lunfardo is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural treasure that crosses borders. From the neighborhoods of Buenos Aires to the international tango stages, lunfardo is a bridge between the past and the present, between tradition and innovation. His influence endures in literature, music and theater, reminding us of the vitality and creativity of the Buenos Aires soul.
The impact of lunfardo on Spanish in general is notable. Many lunfarda words and expressions have been adopted and used in different Spanish-speaking regions, especially in Argentina and Uruguay, but also in other countries where tango and Argentine culture have influence. Lunfardo has enriched Spanish with a wide range of terms and nuances that reflect urban life, music, humor and everyday experiences.

Regarding its acceptance by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), it is important to highlight that the RAE recognizes the richness and diversity of Spanish in all its regional and sociolectal variants. While the RAE does not have the authority to dictate what terms are “correct” or “incorrect” in everyday speech, it does document and study the use of Spanish in all its forms, including lunfardo.

And that’s it for this brief linguistic walk through old Buenos Aires, the heart of lunfardo, a dialect that resonates with tango.

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